- 1306 Stephenson Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501
- info@jamersonlewis.com
Mindful of the Environment—Both Inside and Outside of Our Buildings
Long before LEED standards were established in 2003, Jamerson-Lewis Construction has been collaborating with architects and clients to incorporate sustainable features into our work. As a result, we’ve cultivated a company culture geared to produce efficient, user-friendly facilities that significantly lessen the impact on natural resources. Going the extra mile is something we do every day. Our staff members understand the LEED rating system and are trained to integrate sustainability into all that we do for you.

We Understand LEED Projects Cannot Achieve Ratings by Design Alone
Several of our projects have pursued (and earned) LEED certification, including the City of Lynchburg’s New Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court—the first LEED-certified project in the area, and the flagship for many to come. Although the Court’s design criteria situated it for a Silver LEED certification, the project ultimately earned a Gold rating, because exemplary performance by Jamerson-Lewis during construction exceeded the contractual obligations set forth in the specifications…all the while incurring no additional cost to the owner. A similar story played out at the Jarman Auditorium Renovation for Longwood University in Farmville, VA: LEED Gold Certification was achieved where only a Certified LEED rating was required. The Center for Advanced Engineering and Research in Forest, VA, which targeted a Certified LEED rating, has achieved a Silver rating, which was partially due to additional performance with construction-related credits.
Setting Ourselves Apart Sets Your Project Apart
While other builders may attempt to define their roles in a project simply by reciting provisions from the USGBC and GBCI, Jamerson-Lewis distinguishes itself through: our motivation to achieve exemplary performance and to exceed contractual obligations; our development and implementation of strategies for action; our documentation of efforts in a way that is tailored for certification authorities.
Jamerson-Lewis Construction is also proud to our EarthCraft House Program certification, which promotes healthy, energy-efficient facilities. An important project we completed was the Victoria Ridge independent living facility in Lynchburg for people with disabilities; as well as the Phelps Road Place Apartments in Madison Heights. Both of these projects are EarthCraft certified. We feel strongly that our passion and knowledge of sustainable design sets us apart from many of our peers (and makes us best suited to partner with you on your next project). In fact, Jamerson-Lewis is honored to be a founding member of the Lynchburg Green Building Initiative (LGBI) and a Gold sponsor of the Eco-Book. These community awareness and education efforts will culminate in the formation of a new branch of USGBC’s Southwest Virginia Chapter. Through our alliance with LGBI, Jamerson-Lewis will aid to transform Lynchburg and the surrounding areas through sustainable planning, design, construction, and operation of the buildings and communities. The common thread running through all these efforts: A higher result for our customers, and our company.