- 1306 Stephenson Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501
- info@jamersonlewis.com
Monument Terrace | Downtown Lynchburg
National Register of Historic Places, Court House Hill District#02001361
Project Details
In Association with Vesar, Inc.
Monument Terrace is the lynchpin of downtown Lynchburg’s Court House Hill Historic District, a designation included on the National Register of Historic Places. This monument commemorates Lynchburg citizens who fought and died in the American Civil War, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Rehabilitation of the project included complete dismantlement of the limestone balustrades, granite steps, and stone retaining walls to permit storm water drainage improvements; as well as complete reassembly, repair and cleaning of the stone and bronze statuary components.
City of Lynchburg
900 Church Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Vesar, Inc.
6850 Vesar Ctr. #1
Springfield, VA 22151